CONNECT is a free Identity Management service that is designed to achieve a more interconnected and productive scholarly ecosystem that offers a simple, unified approach to personal and institutional access, on and off campus. It simplifies the access to websites and apps you use every day: Less frustration: Instant authentication on all participating sites. More privacy: You decide exactly what personal data is shared, and with which sites and applications. Account consolidationFew readersSign up to CONNECT
Sign up to CONNECT and benefit from seamless access to multiple scholarly publishing websites and applications for researchers.Few readersData processing
All data collected and processed by CONNECT are used exclusively for authenticating you to the participating scholarly publishing websites and applications you have authorized to access your profile. Connecting a user profile with an additional scholarly publishing website or application has the same effect as creating a new account for that website or application. The main difference is that you don't have to set up an account from scratch and worry about maintaining multiple credentials. YouFew readers